
I’m Mike, nice to meet you.

I study science and write a bit. I’m hoping to have a novel out sometime this year.

I’m not into spamming content or having set posting days per week. Not that I don’t enjoy the types of blogs that have daily or weekly prompts or things, there are some great ones out there that I follow – it’s just not what I do myself. On the rare occasions I do have something to say, though, it will hopefully be interesting enough to earn your time.

I started this blog about my attempts to become a writer – because the whole thing seemed a good idea about a few minutes ago. That’s one of the wonders of writing. I can talk to you, or to myself, or to anyone, from across an expanse of time. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

If you write, get in contact. There’s nothing wrong with a cold, out of the blue email to start a friendship. So send it! I’m always looking for writing buddies for critique swappsies or chats on the craft in general.